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gin or vodka cocktail
- Pattern: ???????
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- Pattern: s?ew
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grain tower
- Pattern: s??o
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persian gulf port
- Pattern: o??n
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persian gulf port
- Pattern: o??n
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spangly decorative disc on dress, eg
- Pattern: ??????
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?????? with embarrassment
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wriggle on your seat
- Pattern: ??????
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disc on dress
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groaner, maybe
- Pattern: ???
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strong arms (hyph)
- Pattern: ???els
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in past centuries, it was not uncommon to encounter a _ in open seas
- Pattern: ro_er
- Source: its rover or rower
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playful children might try to irritate a _ cautiously
- Pattern: s_w
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road or rail bridge
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annual mass book
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in other words
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largest animal
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egg layers
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Treatment for bad state of shock? A hot shower would help
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I long to see this rolling river
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Still a good singer even when he misses the odd note in the New Year
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Film and show girls date
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