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- Pattern: I-L-
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where to see some calf-roping
- Pattern: ***e*
- Source: sit & solve crosswords #3
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taken effect
- Pattern:
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- Pattern:
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(10) impenitent. (11) remorseless. (12) unregenerate.
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grammar topic
- Pattern: ??ag?
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western pact
- Pattern:
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Yiddish for "crazy"
- Pattern:
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market offering
- Pattern:
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Fall back
- Pattern: REVERT
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spicy lental sauce
- Pattern: 3 letters
- Source: Crossword cove
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country formerly known as French Sudan
- Pattern: -a-i
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I love to take these all the time,answer is a town in wales,
- Pattern: what is connection to town in wales,Risca?
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I love to take these all the time
- Pattern:
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involving electromagnetic energy
- Pattern:
- Source: herculis crossword
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Third in a sequence
- Pattern:
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Be very successful
- Pattern:
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- Pattern:
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Very soft fur
- Pattern:
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- Pattern: one.
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anarchist Goldman
- Pattern: ....
- Source:
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raincoat fabric
- Pattern: p..l..
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spoon bender of note
- Pattern: ge....
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collectibles suffix
- Pattern: ...
- Source: Wash Post 4-11-10
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unexpected hit
- Pattern:
- Source: Wash Post 4-11-10
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fix a sock
- Pattern: Darn
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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